Get my proven content alchemy framework designed to help you take back control of your content creation process, break free from the endless social media hustle and create a content library that's a true asset for your business – in just 4 hours per week.

Your Ultimate Guide to Effortless Content Creation and Client Magnetism

You've been churning out content for your blog and social media, hoping to grow your business and reach your dream clients. You're lucky if 5% of your audience sees your posts before they disappear into the void. And even if you do manage to grow a following, you have no control over these platforms.

That method isn’t working. Why pour your heart and soul into creating content if it's not reaching your audience or delivering results? It's like throwing a party and nobody shows up—all that effort, for what?

It's time to shake things up and focus on creating intentional, evergreen content that works smarter, not harder. (And not burn out from feeling pressured to constantly churn out new stuff.)

It's time to take back control of your content. 💪

You feel like a tiny fish in a massive ocean, constantly swimming against the currents of social media algorithms. No matter how much effort you put into creating content, you can't help but wonder, "Is anyone even seeing this?"

The pressure to constantly churn out new content is like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. Just when you think you've got a handle on it, another trend pops up, leaving you scrambling to keep up. 

Your content is out there, but your dream clients are nowhere to be found. Your inbox is as deserted as a ghost town, and the silence is deafening. You can't help but wonder if your message is falling on deaf ears or if your ideal clients even know you exist. 

You're so ready to ditch the social media circus and find a smarter, more sustainable approach to building your online presence, one that supports your business growth and helps you reclaim your sanity in the process.





Where You Are Right Now:

Here's the good news: it doesn't have to be this way. There's a better path forward, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

So, what if you could spend less time churning out fleeting posts that disappear into the social media void and instead put that energy into building a valuable content library filled with purposeful, long-form content that attracts your dream clients like a magnet? Hhmmm, does that sound good?

If you're feeling lost in the social media abyss? You're not alone!

The numbers don't lie: Google has been my top traffic source since 2017!

Last summer, I decided to take a break from podcasting and pour my heart and soul into Instagram and the like. What happened? My content disappeared into the social media abyss without any lasting results. Not to mention the endless pressure to do more, create more, share more. It was downright exhausting!

That's when I had my lightbulb moment. I realized that the key to sustainable, long-term growth lies in creating intentional, evergreen content that leverages the power of search engines. So, I went back to my roots: podcasting and blogging, but this time, with a game-changing twist.

I've developed a unique, step-by-step method that simplifies the content creation process and harnesses the power of AI tools. The best part? It only takes me 4 hours a week now to create high-quality, engaging content that ranks on Google and gets me subscribers, sales and students on autopilot.

I love the structure that creating long-form content gives me, it feels so much more aligned with what I want to share. And I can already start seeing the long-term results, I actually show up on Google now!


“This strategy transformed my business & my life!”

This isn't just a fantasy – it's the reality that awaits you on the other side of intentional, long-form content creation. Are you ready to take back control of your content, grow your business the smart way, and experience the life-changing results for yourself?

You've built a content library that's a treasure trove of valuable, evergreen resources that continue to attract, nurture, and convert your ideal client, even months or years after you hit "publish"

Sitting down to create content is no longer a daunting task, but a simple, streamlined process thanks to the power of AI tools and doesn’t take more than a few hours each week.

Your inbox is overflowing with messages from dream clients who can't wait to work with you. They're drawn to your content, resonating with every word and feeling like you're speaking directly to their souls. 

You start each week with a crystal-clear content plan that fills you with purpose and excitement. Every piece you create is designed to attract, engage, and convert your dream clients. 

Imagine effortlessly attracting your dream clients 💖



I'm handing you the blueprint to transform your content into a smooth-running engine (that practically operates on autopilot).

So you can break free from the relentless social media grind and build a content library that's a true asset for your business – in just 4 hours per week!

I've packaged up my proven, simplified content creation framework that consistently attracts hundreds of weekly blog visitors (and converts them like crazy)...

  • Effortlessly transform your content into captivating blog posts, engaging newsletters, and share it on social media to maximize your impact. It's time to work smarter, not harder!
  • No more starting from scratch whenever you post – you'll have a treasure trove of content at your fingertips, ready to be reintroduced in fresh, exciting ways.
  • Establish yourself as the go-to authority in your niche and attract a loyal, engaged following by consistently providing valuable content that keeps them coming back for more!

Amplify Your Reach


  • Master the art of creating captivating long-form content, such as blog posts and podcast episodes, that keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  • Unleash the game-changing power of AI tools to streamline your content creation process, saving you countless hours while maintaining top-notch quality.
  • Discover the secrets to crafting irresistible, click-worthy headlines that draw in your ideal clients like a magnet.
  • Dive into the art of amplifying your visibility through SEO, ensuring your remarkable content reaches the right people and significantly boosts your online presence.

Create Irresistible Long-Form Content


  • Walk through my proven process to discover your unique content angles that will magnetize your dream clients (and never struggle with "what to post again").
  • Define exactly what platforms are best for your business and goals so you can stop wasting time playing around on (or avoiding!) all of them.
  • At the end of this module you will have a laser focused, strategic content strategy with a filled content calendar and know exactly what to post, where and when.

Unleash Your Content Superpower


Here's What You'll Learn


I have spent years researching and collecting the most tried-and-trusted tools for creating and sharing content, from AI platforms to email service providers to stock photography to video equipment and more…

Resource Library

I promise, if a step in FLOW requires tech or a tool, you can count on there being a detailed how-to video that guides you through it, click by click. 🙌

The Tech Vault

PLUS, you’ll have lifetime access to:

FLOW provides the exact framework to break free from the endless social media grind and effortlessly craft a content library that magnetizes your dream clients – all in just 4 hours per week.

Create purposeful content aligned with your business goals to drive results.

Let's sum it up, here's what you'll learn inside this course:

Use AI tools to streamline content creation and maintain high-quality output.



Repurpose long-form content into multiple formats to save time and maximize reach.


Get expert guidance on elevating your content game and attracting ideal clients.


Amplify visibility with SEO and boost your online presence to connect with clients.


Elevate your visual brand with our exclusive collection of stunning, customizable Canva templates for sharing your content on social media.

Canva Design Templates Pack ($47 Value)

Struggling to define your niche? In this mini course you’ll learn how to nail your profitable niche and brand message so you can stand out from the competition and attract your perfect clients.

Niche Bliss! ($197 Value)

When you buy FLOW today, you and I will meet monthly for a LIVE group coaching call for an entire year where I’m going to give you feedback on your content and answer all your questions. 

12 Months of LIVE Monthly Q&A’s With Me ($600 Value)

PLUS - you get these incredible bonuses 🎉

And the best part? You can access this wealth of expertise for a fraction of what you might spend on a fancy dinner or a trendy accessory.

That’s $1,800-worth of business-boosting strategies and tools that you get inside FLOW. 

Lifetime access to the course materials, so you can learn at your own pace and revisit the lessons whenever you need a refresher.

3 exclusive bonuses to enhance your content creation journey and skyrocket your results

(Value $800+)

Tech Vault full of how-to videos that have been. created with beginners in mind.

(Value $200)

3 comprehensive modules packed with video lessons, actionable worksheets, and real-life examples.

(Value $800)

If you enroll today, you’ll get access to all the FLOW goodness (a value of $1,800!), including:


Prices are in USD. Plus VAT where applicable

I'M READY FOR 3 payments of $179

I'M READY FOR 1 payment of $499

Try FLOW for 14 days. Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

I’m so confident that FLOW will transform your content creation process and help you attract your dream clients that I offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you don't feel fully satisfied with the course within the first 14 days, simply email us and we'll issue a full refund, no questions asked.

money back 


“Susanne’s program was absolutely invaluable to moving my yoga business online.

I had a very small audience to begin with, but Susanne’s tips helped me grow that list to over 700 over a few months. I also appreciated her encouragement and guidance that kept me on track during the times I doubted myself."


What my clients are saying about working with me:

"The templates provided in the course help perfectionists like me get things done.

If you’re looking for a no-nonsense, practical course to help you get started as an online business, this program is definitely for you. It feels like Susanne is walking alongside you, sharing her wisdom, tips, and tricks along the way.”


“What’s been most valuable for me was getting templates that mean I don’t have to start from scratch. 

It’s been really helpful in all aspects and I learned a lot that I can use not only in my business but also in my life, you cover so much in the course and offer huge value. I’ve set up my content calendar and am working on my freebie, and I plan to launch my meditation course in a few months."


Developed a crystal-clear content strategy that aligns with your business goals and resonates with your dream clients

Mastered the art of creating compelling, long-form content that establishes you as an authority in your niche

Implemented proven SEO strategies to amplify your visibility and attract more organic traffic

Created a streamlined system for repurposing your content across multiple platforms, saving you time and energy

Built a valuable content library that continues to nurture and convert your ideal clients on autopilot

But above all: have the confidence to show up fully and to shine your light in the way you were always meant to.

By the end of this course, you will HAVE...


I'm Susanne,

And I'm thrilled to be your guide on this content creation journey. As an entrepreneur myself, I've experienced firsthand the struggles and triumphs of building a thriving online business. It took me years of trial and error to maximize the power of intentional, long-form content, but once I did, everything changed. I was able to free myself of the social media hustle, build a loyal community, and create a business that truly lights me up. Now, I'm passionate about sharing my proven strategies with fellow entrepreneurs like you, so you can experience the same incredible results.

hey there!

FLOW is for you if:

You're an entrepreneur who's ready to create content with intention and purpose

You're not willing to put in the time and effort to create valuable, engaging content

You're eager to build a sustainable, long-term content strategy that supports your business growth

You're looking for a quick fix or overnight success without putting in the work

You're open to implementing new strategies and techniques to amplify your reach and impact

It's probably not for you if...

You're not open to exploring new content creation strategies and platforms

Prices are in USD. Plus VAT where applicable

I'M READY FOR 3 payments of $179

I'M READY FOR 1 payment of $499


How much time should I expect to invest in this course each week?

While the course is self-paced, we recommend setting aside 3-5 hours per week to watch the video lessons, complete the worksheets, and implement what you've learned.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not sure if my niche is the right fit for this course. What should I do?

A: FLOW is designed to work across a wide range of niches. The strategies and techniques you'll learn are universal and can be adapted to suit your specific audience and business goals. If you're still unsure, feel free to reach out, and we'll be happy to help you determine if FLOW is the right fit for you.

When does it start?

You will get access to the first module July 1st and the next modules will be dripped out week after week.

Can I get my money back when I’m not happy?

You bet! I’m so confident that FLOW will transform your content creation process and help you attract your dream clients that I offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you don't feel fully satisfied with the course within the first 14 days, simply email us and we'll issue a full refund, no questions asked.

What if I'm not tech-savvy? Will I still be able to follow along?

Absolutely! The course is designed with beginners in mind, and we provide step-by-step tutorials for all the tools and platforms we recommend. Plus, our support team is always here to help if you get stuck.

I’m sooo busy right now, I’m worried I won’t have time! Do I need to follow week by week?

FLOW is designed to be a self-paced course, allowing you to dive in whenever you're ready. I want you to take your time, to put the strategies into action as you learn them, and to revisit the material as often as you need. Whether you breeze through in a week or take several months, youhave lifetime access to all the materials.

How long will I have access?

You get lifetime access to all the materials! I want you to always have this content, so if you join now, it’s yours forever. I am constantly improving, adding to it, and recording new content so once you’re in, you’re in for everything that’s waiting for you now (and anything that’s coming in the future!)