
💥 Apply TODAY and get expert feedback on your business model, offer or marketing materials as soon as next week!


Ready to create your six-figure offer, attract high-value customers effortlessly so you can grow your business on autopilot and transform your passion into a peaceful + profitable online business – without the hustle?



You have this deep desire to trans-form lives. But right now, you're facing some challenges:

You have this deep desire to trans-form lives. But right now, you're facing some challenges:

When it comes to your offerings, you're at a loss. From 1:1 coaching to memberships and courses, you just don't know what to do. The tech side feels daunting, and you're unsure about pricing. You want to create a signature offer that excites you AND resonates with clients, but it feels just out of reach.

Your head's full of great ideas, but turning them into a focused business plan is overwhelming. You’re doing a lot but you still feel fuzzy and unsure how to prioritize for real growth. You really only want a clear roadmap to guide you from scattered coach to confident CEO.

You dream of building a simple, profitable business, but you're not sure how to make it happen. An evergreen sales funnel that brings in new clients daily sounds like a dream, but the concept seems complex and out of reach. 

You're frustrated with the endless social media grind and feel like you're shouting into the void, being ignored by the algorithm. You want to grow your audience and attract your dream clients in a way that feels authentic, aligned, and enjoyable for you.

Can you relate?

You know you have value to offer, but that inner critic keeps whispering doubts. You struggle to put yourself out there fully, fearing judgment. This self-doubt is holding you back from being the powerful, transformational coach you can be.

You want to work with an expert guide who has walked this path before. Someone who's had multiple 6-figure years under their belt and helped countless clients celebrate their first $5k, $10k, and even $30K months.

I'm here to guide you every step of the way

Here's the good news: it doesn't have to be this way. There's a better path forward, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Instead of scattering your energy across multiple platforms and strategies, envision a sustainable framework where everything works in harmony. One powerful program. One effective funnel. One simple marketing strategy. Everything in one place, working seamlessly to grow your business while you focus on what you do best – transforming lives.

Does that sound good? This approach isn't just about making your business more profitable – it's about creating a meaningful legacy while enjoying the journey. Are you ready to step into this new way of building your coaching business?

Ready to turn your passion into a profitable six-figure online biz?


What if... $5k months were just the beginning of limitless income potential?

Reaching six figures is absolutely possible once you have a proven framework to help you scale.

You’re finally able to leave your job or replace your 1:1 income because you’ve created this amazing online group program paired with a simple, authentic sales system that gives you the freedom to focus on what lights you up - in business and in life.

You're sipping a sangria poolside in Ibiza, celebrating your most recent 5-figure launch. Your phone buzzes with a new client application - someone eager to pay in full for your premium group program. A few taps later, you've accepted them and the payment hits your account. Pinch yourself, this is your new normal.

The "cha-chings" of new sales notifications keep coming in while you're out to dinner with friends, completely present and soaking in the laughter and connection. It's been weeks since you've launched something but you have systems that sell your offers on autopilot. 

But the best part? You'll wake up each day with a deep sense of clarity and confidence, knowing that you have an incredible offer that truly transforms lives and proven systems in place to attract and enroll your dream clients. No more second-guessing yourself or your worth. Just the unshakable belief that you're ready to level up and make an even bigger impact in the world.

Just do it

All of these? Are real results from me and my clients because of the way I teach you to bring your signature offer to life and sell it.


I binged on the course and took to the heart everything you (eloquently) presented. This April I had the highest month of sales ever, topping $15,000. So far May is over $15,000 in sales (and it’s only the middle of the month)."

- Kerry Stack

With a combination of thorough step-by-step strategy and high-touch support (this isn't a course!), you'll implement my proven Success Framework that helped me scale to 6 figures while working 4-6 hours or less a day.



I'm handing you the blueprint to build a blissful + profitable online business that brings dream clients to your door every single day (practically on autopilot).

So you can break free from scattered strategies and build a streamlined business that's a true asset – with everything working in harmony in just a few focused hours per week.

I've packaged up my proven, sustainable framework for building a purpose-driven, profitable online business around one signature online program…


Elevate Your Brand & Message

First, we look at your niche, your brand and your messaging. No more trying to serve everyone while serving no one. No more spending all day trying to come up with an idea for your next blog or social media post just for it to fall flat. I'll dive in and pull out the exact kinds of content and angles you'll want to be creating to attract your dream clients. It was these shifts in my messaging that took me from clients here and there to a fully booked signature program and making $20k + months.



Create Your 6-Figure Offer 

Together we’re going to refine your business model and map out your profitable product suite. Next you turn your expertise into an irresistible group program that your dream clients can’t wait to sign up for. Stop getting overwhelmed and distracted trying to sell a bunch of low-priced offers. I’ve had a six-figure year selling just one offer (and working only 4 hours a day) and I’m showing you exactly how to design it, price it for profits, and launch it successfully.


Accelerate Your Sales

Imagine a simple, powerful funnel that works for you 24/7. You'll create an irresistible freebie and a low-ticket offer that attracts your ideal clients daily, seamlessly guiding them towards your premium offer. You'll learn to craft engaging masterclasses and smart email sequences that authentically showcase your value, without any pushy tactics. This evergreen system invites new subscribers into your world year-round, nurturing them towards natural, aligned sales. Picture this: while I was cruising Portugal in my camper van, my funnel quietly made two sales of my premium program, totaling $10k in a single day. That's the freedom and abundance waiting for you when your business truly works for you.




Financial freedom by getting crystal clarity on the numbers you need to hit your goals, plus a step-by-step roadmap to get you there.


A smart evergreen funnel and a live launch strategy that feels aligned and that makes selling so easy.



A premium group program that provides a real transformation for your clients and is designed for profit.


Clarity about your niche, your business model and what you need to do to reach your goals.

How does this sound?


An organic marketing strategy that helps you grow your audience on auto-pilot, builds authority and establishes you as the expert.

"I was really drawn to the idea of leveling up!"

My biggest struggle was creating a plan, to take action. In just a few months I honed in on my brand and my USP, I got really clear using the worksheets, and now I have my first yoga teacher training set up, I have a waitlist and not only that, I have a clear plan where to go with this." 


I want to build an online business offering yoga and meditation for pregnant and post-natal women. Before I joined the Blissful Biz Incubator because I felt lost trying to figure out what to do first and what to focus on. After just a few weeks I’ve launched my new website and I’m now working on my online membership.”

"I love the structure and feedback I get in the program!

be bold!


In just a few weeks I launched my website, started a podcast, created a freebie and started building my newsletter list and now I’m working on my first online course."

"I love the calls, the community and of course the 1:1 support, that really sets this program apart from others.



You get lifetime access to a full curriculum with 80+ step-by-step trainings to help you nail your niche and messaging, launch your digital offers and set up your evergreen funnels.

Lifetime Access to the full Blissful Biz Academy Curriculum

What’s included

$10,000 Value

The total value of this program including the bonuses is over $20,000!

Including FLOW, your ultimate guide to effortless content creation and client magnetism. This is trainings dripping in value, resource materials and more to help you take action and implement like never before.

All-Access Pass to all my Courses & Programs

$1,000 Value

We have weekly live Q&A coaching calls on Zoom and you can also ask questions every day in our community. We’re in there Monday through Thursday to coach and support you as you need it. Imagine being able to whip out your phone and ask things like, “I have this idea but…” or “I’m having this struggle and need support…”

Daily Support & Coaching

$3,000 Value

I’m so excited to offer again monthly coaching calls led by Lisa Garber, a renowned mindset expert with 25 years of experience. Lisa's proven techniques help service-based business owners break through mental barriers, boost confidence, and achieve breakthrough results. Don't let self-doubt hold you back—tap into your full potential with Lisa's expert guidance.

Monthly Mindset Coaching Calls

$600 Value

Never wonder if you’re on the right track or not. Each week you will have the opportunity to submit your work for individual feedback. We look at the assets you’re creating (everything from your website, content, landing pages, email copy, packages, pricing, launch assets etc!) and share a recording with our detailed feedback with you. 

Personal Feedback on Your Work

$2,400 Value

You get templates, tech tutorials and swipe copy that’ll save you tons of time for everything, like your webinar slide deck, social media designs, website copy swipe file, financial spreadsheets or Convertkit tutorials. Never feel like you have to start from scratch again.

Templates, Tech Tutorials, Swipe-Files and more Resources! 

$1,000 Value

We have a private community only for students inside the Blissful Biz Academy where you can ask questions, share results and connect with other members. Plus, you’ll meet the most amazing friends. When in a community like this, it's so important that you surround yourself with people who are able to lift you up, answer your questions, and inspire the hell out of you.

Lifetime Access to Our Private Community

Value: Priceless!

I know you desire personalized attention for your business and you’ll be able to book three 1:1 coaching calls with Susanne. In these calls we’re going to work on your messaging, map out your 6-figure offer and plan your sales strategy. This is your opportunity to pick Susanne’s brain and get completely customized support.

Three 1:1 Coaching Calls with Susanne

$1,350 Value


Bonuses? Ouh yeah, you get them:

Get immediate access to the vault with currently 12 dynamic workshops and masterclasses! From launching your own podcast to getting started with Facebook ads, these sessions are designed to ignite your potential and accelerate your impact. Get ready to level up like never before!

The Workshop Vault

$1,200 Value


We love being able to run our businesses online, but there’s truly nothing like connecting with your fellow entrepreneurs in person. This is where your vision board comes to life; meeting up for a deliciously abundant workshop weekend in gorgeous Majorca in Spain in November 2024. All activities and meals together included. Flights, hotels and individual transportation not included. 

Weekend Retreat in Majorca/Spain

$900 Value



"Thanks to the step by step plan I could follow I realized that yes, I can do this!

In my first launch of my online course I sold 15 spots, it was sold out! This still feels amazing! The biggest challenge I had was that I felt I was not ready. But thanks to the step by step plan I could follow I realized that yes, I can do this!"


Susanne and her team share doable, actionable steps to help me move forward. Everything I need to learn to grow my business  is consolidated in one place and I gained so much confidence that I’m on the right path. I just wish I would have joined sooner!"

"The whole program is worth the price just because of how much time and confusion it saved me.

Get started


I feel so much more inspired and motivated to work on my business since I joined the Blissful Biz Incubator. I now feel confident and like a business owner! This was one of the best investments of my life." 

"I’m way more consistent and it’s already paying off, I’m getting more clients and see the growth.



Here are the core elements covered in the curriculum.

Your Blissful Biz Model


Discover the perfect business structure that aligns with your passions and goals, setting you up for sustainable success.

Find Your Niche


Narrow your vision, choose your profitable niche and hone your brand message. You’ll also learn how to do market research.

Let's break it down:

Blissful Brand Blueprint


Craft a captivating brand identity that authentically represents you and attracts your dream clients effortlessly.

Grow Your Email List


Build a thriving community of engaged subscribers who eagerly await your content and offers.



My proven content alchemy framework designed to help you take back control of your content creation process.

Online Course Launchpad


Transform your knowledge into a polished, high-value online course that your audience will love.

High Ticket Magic


Learn the secrets to confidently offering and delivering a high-ticket group program that provides massive value to your clients.

Launch with a Content Event


Create your own knockout content event that sells your offer like magic.

Accelerate Your Sales


Set up your evergreen sales funnel, master sales calls and boost your revenue with upsells, downsells and social selling strategies  that maximize your sales potential.

Organize Your Biz


Build a solid business foundation and streamline your day-to-day tasks to finally achieve your big goals.

The Templates

Our clients consistently rave about the game-changing templates included in the Blissful Biz Academy program, which save both time and sanity. Here are some of the top picks!

Asana Launch Calendar Template

Upload our launch calendar into your Asana (a free project management tool) and have all the tasks for your launch lined out.

Webinar Slide Deck Template

Steal my proven webinar slide deck template and customize the Canva layout with your content.

Email + Support Copy Swipe Files

You get copy swipe files for every email you will ever send launching your digital course, default support texts and more. 

Social Media Templates

We give you a ton of Canva templates to make designing your launch posts and Stories easy-peasy.

As an established online business owner, you've got the core elements in place. Now, you're ready to streamline operations and scale strategically with an evergreen funnel. Your goal? To work smarter, not harder, bid farewell to the constant hustle, and create a business that’s sustainable, peaceful and profitable.

Elevating Your Empire

You've taken the leap and launched your first digital offers. The foundation is there, but growth feels elusive. Getting more clients and making more money seem way harder than it should be. You're done with scattershot approaches and ready for a sustainable, proven framework that simplifies everything. 

Breaking Through Barriers

You're a new or aspiring coach, ready to create your first digital offers and build a profitable online business. What you need is a proven, step-by-step roadmap to follow, along with personalized feedback and support. It's time to banish overwhelm, silence self-doubt, and kick imposter syndrome to the curb.

Launching Your Vision

Who is this for?

It’ll take you less than 2 minutes to fill out the form and there is no obligation to join or pay anything!


We'll talk about your goals and if I can actually help you achieve them. Oh, and you can ask me any questions of course.


When you decide to enroll you can start right away - book your first calls and dive into the trainings.




Your Investment

✅ Lifetime access to a full curriculum with 80+ step-by-step trainings, workbooks, tech tutorials, and plug-and-play templates to help you launch your digital offers and set up your evergreen funnel.

✅ Lifetime access to our exclusive community for peer support, networking and to ask questions.

✅ 6-months of high-touch support and coaching with me: Individual feedback and review of all your work (website, content, landing pages, email copy, packages, etc.), weekly group coaching calls and monthly mindset coaching calls.

✅ Three bonus 1:1 calls with me for deep-dive business strategy, the workshop vault plus your chance to join our retreat in Majorca in November!

Plus VAT where applicable. All prices are in USD.

**Please note that there are no refunds on The Blissful Biz Academy (but once you get started I don't think you will want a refund!)**

Here's everything you're getting - over $20k in value!

6 Payments of $700

 1 payment oF $3900

12 Payments of $390


I know this program is an investment, and it might feel scary. I’ve worked with hundreds of yoga teachers and coaches and gotten them results – and I know my methods work. But you might be unsure if they’ll also work for you. I get it.

So here's the deal: If you faithfully implement the strategies under my guidance and fail to see a full return on your investment during your time in the Blissful Biz Academy, I'll work with you for free until you do.

It's that straightforward. Follow through on your commitments with my guidance, and you're assured a return on your investment. I believe in you and am here to help you get results.

money back 


First, we’re going to refine your business model and nail your profitable niche and messaging. Next, we'll map out your profitable group coaching program. Let’s say you create a program that you sell for $1,000 – you just need four sales to make your investment back! This will work even with a small audience, and you can easily launch it 3 months in the program. From there, we’ll work together to set up your evergreen funnel and content to cash system.

Of course, every business is different. Your results will depend on your expertise, authority, audience size and willingness to show up and do the work.

Level up

Let’s get down to it – how fast until you see results?


Hi, I'm Susanne. 

After working in digital advertising for over 20 years I was ready for a change and went to Bali for a yoga teacher training. Starting my online business in my forties (I'm 53 now) has literally transformed my life. I’ve experienced first hand what it feels like to transition from an unreasonably-demanding career in advertising to running a highly impactful six-figure online business. And to do it all with more ease, flow and alignment (and fewer hours!) then I ever thought possible. 

Now, my mission is to help you do the same, no matter your age. I want to empower you to embrace the transformative potential of midlife and menopause, build a purposeful online business and create your unique legacy.

xo Susanne


Just a few years ago, I was lost in the hustle, exhausted and overwhelmed.

If you’re in starter limbo, trying to figure out your next steps… I’ve been there too. I know what it’s like when no matter what you do, it feels like you just keep on struggling and not getting anywhere.

You have a ton of ideas, but no tried-and-true strategy and structure to run with it. Your messaging is all over the place, you don’t have any premium offers and no idea how to grow your audience so you can finally start making the impact you know you’re meant to do.

i can help because i've been there

I'm here to support you

Then I decided to simplify my business.

Traveling in a campervan and working on the road meant I had to stop overcomplicating things. I took a deep breath and decided to sell only that ONE signature program that set my soul on fire, set up ONE simple sales funnel, and focused on ONE lead generation strategy. I poured all my creative juices, expertise, and passion into perfecting it and magic started to happen - even while working only around 4-6 hours a day.

All you need is one SIGNATURE offer and a clear sales strategy.

You'll have the clarity and direction you need to succeed. Your customers will recognize your expertise and dedication, and they'll be drawn to you like bees to honey. Plus, you'll have more time and energy to invest in marketing, delivering an exceptional customer experience, and building a rock-solid brand.

Stop saying it's impossible for you, as you watch others equally as qualified take the leap. It's never been more accessible to claim the path of entrepreneurship and build a freedom-based lifestyle serving your community. It’s time to commit to learning what it takes instead of making it up as you go.

You were never meant to do this alone!

The Blissful Biz Academy is a hands-on coaching experience like nothing else. You get everything you need to build a sustainable, profitable online business, but you’ll also find a network of heart-led entrepreneurs who GET IT because they are doing it too. Joining the Blissful Biz Academy will spark the path towards your booming business and future freedom-filled life.

This      for you if:

You are ready to elevate your brand and business, scale your income and make a bigger impact.

You're not ready to show up and do the hard things to get results.

You want to set up your online business model right to get results, with a STRONG brand and premium offers that feel aligned with your passion.

You don’t want to build an online business selling DIGITAL OFFERS

You are committed to taking 100% responsibility for your experience and not blame your results on anyone else.

It's probably        for you if...

You are in a tight financial situation right now and have no means to invest in coaching. It’s fine – I'M here for you when things change!



You’re an expert at what you do and have so much to share. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. If you want someone to tell you what works, you're in the right place! 

It’s your time to build a wildly profitable business without selling your soul using cut-throat, masculine-energy tactics, without spending hours on social media and $$$ on paid ads and without sacrificing what’s really important: your familiy, your health, your spirituality.

The technology available today makes it super simple. Your ideal customers and students are out there actively searching for ways to learn what you already know, from home in a convenient way.

It’s about investing in yourself so you can show up as your fullest, highest self in business and in life… for the rest of your life.

There has never been a better time to start and scale an online business.

you're in the right place.





What if I can't commit enough time to this right now?

The Blissful Biz Academy is intentionally a 6-month container to give you enough white space to build and scale your online business.

Personal story: I built my online business from the ground up while working as a freelance project manager. Was this ideal? Not really ;) Would I be where I am now if I DIDN’T just get started even with a million reasons why it wasn’t the perfect time? Probably not.

I understand that 6 months may sound like a long time. But that’s because true transformation takes time and practice. No “quick fixes” or pie-in-the-sky promises or claims here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't know what my niche is yet?

You don’t have to have the perfect niche yet. I teach you how to do get clarity about your market, offers and come up with a clear brand message. Even if you are starting from scratch with a smaller audience, we will help you build a strong foundation for your business that’s going to serve you for years.

If you've already launched a digital course, your time in the Blissful Biz Academy will be focused on optimising based on the gaps and opportunities I identify as the most pressing for you to focus on to scale up. You’ll uplevel your program, your launch process and set up evergreen sales funnels. It’s time to elevate so you’ll make a bigger impact and increase your revenue. 

What if I already have a digital program?

The Blissful Biz Academy has been designed specifically for people like you, who don’t have the answers now but who DO have unlocked potential and a burning desire inside of them. The only thing holding you back from the business and life you want is you. With our trainings and support, you’ll have everything you need to succeed.

Think about your goals for the next 6 months. Do you know exactly how you’re going to get there? Do you have a plan? Stop guessing and stop messing around. Let me help you replace your income with an online business that lights you up and serves more people.

Can I really do this?

Due to the nature of the program and the included 1:1 support, there are no refunds for the Blissful Biz Academy, but I offer a guarantee: If you faithfully implement the strategies under my guidance and fail to see a full return on your investment during your time in the Blissful Biz Academy, I'll work with you for free until you do. If you have any questions, please email me at hello@susannerieker.com or send me a DM. I want to ensure this is THE BEST fit for you as well.

What is the refund policy?

The moment you enroll. You get immediate access to the program, with all the modules and training videos waiting for you to dive in right away.

When does the program start?

The Blissful Biz Academy is everything you need to create, launch and scale your premium online program, build the audience you need to sell it and ultimately? Create a leveraged business model that helps you to build a blissful business that’s aligned with your values and lifestyle.

take action



Just by purchasing this program, your results won’t materialize by itself. This is not a ‘get rich quick’ program. Especially when you are starting out, you need to invest time, capital and/or energy to grow a successful digital course business and your results may vary depending on your expertise, following and speed of picking up new skills (no matter how basic). We want to work with people who are committed to the process of building digital real estate that provides them with increasing dividends in the form of leveraged income over time. If that's you, I can't wait to see your application!