Are you ready to package your brilliance, make a bigger impact and launch an online course? This detailed workbook shows you step-by-step what you need to know to create your first online course.

Package Your Brilliance into an Online Course

Free workbook

Your sales page is the secret to a successful launch. It’s what makes your potential customers decide if they buy your course – or not. I share my framework, so you know exactly what to put on your sales page.

Creating your online course doesn’t have to be complicated and overwhelming and I’m sharing some of my favorite tools and resources with you so you can get started.

Deciding on your online course name is such a huge step and I’ll help you come up with a name that’s easy and sellable. You even get my secret formula to come up with THE PERFECT name.

3 STRATEGIES to Come up With an Online Course Idea That Sells AND thats a perfect fit for you, your business and your audience.

What's included in the free workbook:

gimme the deets

This still feels amazing! The biggest challenge I had was that I felt I was not ready. But thanks to the step by step plan I could follow I realized that yes, I can do this!”

"In my first launch of my online course I sold 15 spots, it was sold out! 

Ana pineda

I had a very small audience to begin with, but Susanne’s tips helped me grow that list to over 700 over a few months. I also appreciated her encouragement and guidance that kept me on track during the times I doubted myself."

"I sold over 60 spots in my first online course launch!"

Veronika Kruta

6 years ago, I was living in Bali, dreaming about being location independent and able to work from anywhere. I launched my first online course in 2016 and I was secretly afraid that NO ONE would buy it. But within one year I’ve enrolled over 50 students and since then I’ve launched 5 more courses and a membership, enrolled nearly 1,000 paying students into my programs and am now earning over 6-figures per year.

The truth is, I spent way too much time figuring out stuff like how to build the right audience, where to host my online course and the best way to sell it successfully, but eventually I learned all the essential elements to create an online course and sell it without feeling like a sleazy used car salesperson.

I created this workbook to give you a clear roadmap how to get started and create your first online course. I’m so happy I get to share this with you!

Hi, I'm Susanne.