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5 Tips How To Use Pinterest To Get More Website Visitors

I'm Susanne!

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a thriving online business. This is where I share fresh off the press digital marketing tips and tricks, mini trainings and more.

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Pinterest is an amazing tool to help you get more visitors to your website and sell your services! It’s not overcrowded yet and you have a real chance to do great things here. Another thing to note is that the typical Pinterest user has a lot in common with the typical Yogini: she’s female, relatively well off, educated, and has some time for hobbies (such as pinning and/or yoga). It’s visual – like Instagram – but it also links to your website. This means that you can get crazy traffic to your blog from Pinterest!

If you’ve never used Pinterest before, click here to read my post on how to get started on Pinterest.

Here are my five best tips to grow your traffic with Pinterest:

 #1 Keep your boards relevant

When you create your boards, they should be tailored to what you’re teaching and your expertise. Make sure that they fit in with your audience, and your niche.

Do not pin and do not keep boards that are not relevant to your target group. Delete or make them ‘secret’ boards.

Don’t be afraid to delete boards that don’t fit with your focus. You can also make boards that are off topic secret, those are visible only to you. For example, I had a few boards with recipes that I didn’t want to show up on my profile anymore, but I still wanted access, so I made them secret.

#2 Create 2-3 pin images for every piece of content

Create multiple pins for every content source (for example blog posts, videos or offerings). I normally create 3 pinnable images for every blog post and freebie and then I manually upload them to Pinterest, before also scheduling them out through Tailwind.

More tips on how to design pinnable images:

  • 80% of the images on Pinterest don’t have faces. People want to dream that it’s them in the image and you don’t want to take that away by showing them someone else’s face.
  • Be savvy with text. Too much text is distracting and anything too small in size isn’t going to read well on a mobile screen.
  • Color is key. Very light or very dark images tend to not be repinned as frequently.

#3 Follow boards you like

Start by following boards with content that fits your niche and audience’s interest. Using the Pinterest search bar, search for boards that might be interesting to you, and follow them. Following other boards will also get you noticed by these pinners and they might follow you back.

#4 Join group boards

Group boards work just like regular boards: the only difference is that multiple people can add content. They are a brilliant way to put your pins in front of people who may not have stumbled across them yet. They also allow you to reach a broader audience which is especially helpful when you don’t have many followers yet.

Once you’ve found a group board you like, follow the instructions to be added or contact one of the pinners and ask directly.

#5 Use key words and optimize for search

Pinterest is a visual search engine, that’s why using key words in your board names, pin title and descriptions are very important. Key words could be for example yoga for beginners, yoga video, free yoga video or essential oil guide.

And that’s how to grow your website traffic with Pinterest! Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest for inspiration and tips. I hope you’ll give it a try – I’m really 100% sure that you can get great results with just a little bit of effort 😊




















Hi, I'm Susanne.

I’m here to help yoga teachers and health & wellness coaches package their brilliance into digital offers and build a successful online business.

I went from working in digital advertising to become a yoga teacher, move to Bali and build my online business that allows me to work from anywhere in the world. Now, my mission is to help you do the same. I want to empower you to build a purposeful, profitable online business and create your unique legacy.

I’m also obsessed with my little terrier Luna, love traveling in my campervan, and am happiest when I can wear yoga pants all day long. 

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