Have you ever made a business decision that looked perfect on paper but just didn’t feel right? Or maybe you followed your gut on something that made no logical sense but turned out better than you could have imagined?
That’s intuition at work – and I believe it’s one of the most powerful tools we have as entrepreneurs, especially for those of us in the yoga and wellness space.
I’m fascinated by the balance between strategic business planning and intuitive decision-making. As someone who studied marketing and loves the analytical side of business, I’ve learned that the magic happens when we combine solid strategy with that inner knowing.
Intuition isn’t some mystical, unattainable superpower. It’s a natural ability we all have that can be developed and strengthened like any other skill. And when we apply it to business, it becomes our secret advantage.
In this post, I’m sharing my journey with trusting intuition in business decisions, plus practical ways you can start listening to and strengthening your own inner guidance system.
My Intuition Journey
I’m not sure if my relationship with intuition was always strong. I definitely took some big life-changing decisions simply trusting my intuition, like accepting a job at an advertising agency in Geneva, Switzerland without having ever visited the city. I just knew it would be amazing – and it was.
But especially in the early days of my business, I often ignored those subtle inner nudges in favor of what seemed “logical” or what others were doing in the digital marketing space or what my mentor recommended.
I remember being in this high-ticket mastermind program where I learned how to set up evergreen funnels with fake timers and lots of urgency and FOMO in my emails. I created fancy application funnels as instructed, but something felt off. There was this persistent feeling in my gut saying, “This isn’t your path.”
For months, I pushed that feeling aside. After all, who chooses intuition over expert advice? I had paid $20,000 to be in that program. But the more I ignored it, the more resistance I felt in executing the plan.
The Turning Point
After a while though, without overthinking things, I started making changes. Now my business looks very different from what I did back then.
I finally gave myself permission to listen to my inner voice. And in that silence, it told me clearly: “Your business needs to be an extension of your spiritual practice, not separate from it.”
And that’s the journey I’m on right now.
I’m analytical by nature. I studied marketing and I love learning about funnels and sales techniques. But it needs to feel right and aligned. For me, it’s the woo and the work, the spiritual and the strategies, combined.
Learning to Recognize Intuitive Signals
Over time, I’ve learned that my intuition communicates in specific ways:
- Physical sensations – a lightness in my chest when something’s right, a heaviness when it’s not
- Immediate knowing – those instant “yes” or “no” responses that come before logical analysis
- Recurring thoughts – ideas that keep resurfacing despite attempts to dismiss them
- Synchronicities – meaningful coincidences that point toward or away from certain decisions
The more I honored these signals, the stronger and clearer they became. It was like developing a new sensory system specifically for business decisions.
For example, my most successful program, the Blissful Biz Academy, wasn’t born from market research. It came from an intuitive flash during savasana. I immediately saw the entire program structure – not just the content but how it would feel for participants.
This doesn’t mean ignoring practical business principles. Instead, it’s using intuition as a filter to identify which strategies will work specifically for me and my community.
Working With My Inner Voice
I started working with my intuition and what I call my inner voice more consciously. It’s always been a big part of my life, but now I’m bringing more awareness to it. And I love it, it’s so much fun!
For example, I felt a bit tired and like I wasn’t showing up fully, so I asked my inner voice: “With what percentage am I showing up in my business right now?”
The answer was 75% – which isn’t bad, I think.
The next question I asked was “What is blocking me from showing up with 100%?”
And the answer revealed that deep inside, I feel I’m not worthy of the attention. That I’m not lovable.
That’s deep. And it’s not something easy to fix of course, but bringing awareness to this is the first step. It’s not that I’m not confident; it’s really a very deep underlying issue. I’m grateful that it came up, so I can now address it.
Practical Steps to Strengthen Your Business Intuition
I want to share some practices that have transformed how I make business decisions – real, tangible ways you can strengthen your intuitive guidance:
1. Create daily silence
Start your day with even just 10 minutes of stillness before diving into emails or social media. This is my non-negotiable morning ritual. In that quiet space, intuitive insights naturally emerge before your logical mind takes over. I’ve found the most powerful business ideas often arrive during these moments of calm, not during strategic planning sessions.
2. Ask powerful questions to your inner voice
I’ve discovered the quality of answers depends on the quality of questions. Some of my favorite questions to ask my inner voice:
- “What’s blocking me from doing XYZ?”
- “Why didn’t it work?”
- “What does my business need from me right now that I’m not seeing?”
- “What belief is holding me back from my next level of growth?”
- “What part of my current strategy feels out of alignment?”
These direct questions bypass your analytical mind and tap into deeper wisdom.
3. Document intuitive hits
Keep a dedicated business intuition journal. When you feel that unmistakable pull toward or away from something, capture it immediately. I note the physical sensations in my body, the quality of the feeling, and then track what happens when I follow these signals.
My journal revealed a pattern – butterfly feelings in my stomach almost always precede my most aligned opportunities, while heaviness in my chest means “pause and reconsider.”
4. Distinguish fear from intuition
This was game-changing for me. Fear and intuition can feel remarkably similar at first, but they affect your energy differently. Fear constricts while intuition expands.
When considering a new program or partnership, I pay attention to whether the thought makes me feel smaller or creates a sense of possibility, even when it’s challenging. Fear whispers “I can’t do this” while intuition says “not this way.”
5. Curate your business community
Your environment either amplifies or dampens your intuitive abilities. I intentionally stepped away from business groups focused solely on metrics and sought connections with entrepreneurs who value both profit and purpose.
This shift was uncomfortable initially but essential. Now my business circle begins strategy sessions with brief meditation and evaluates decisions based on alignment, not just revenue potential.
6. Implement intuition checkpoints
Build specific moments into your business planning to pause and listen. Before launching my signature program, I took the materials into meditation and simply asked: “Does this align with my highest purpose?”
The adjustments that came through completely transformed the offering. I now wait 24 hours after completing any significant business plan before implementing it, creating space for intuitive refinements.
7. Practice body-centered decision making
Your body holds wisdom your analytical mind simply can’t access. When facing a business crossroads, I place my hand on my heart while contemplating each option, noticing where I feel openness or tension.
This bypasses overthinking and connects directly to what’s truly aligned. Some of my most successful offerings emerged not from careful analysis but from this embodied knowing.
8. Regularly revisit your deeper “why”
Every quarter, I try to take a day away from operations to reconnect with my core purpose. During these sacred pauses, I reflect on which aspects of my business feel energizing and which feel heavy.
This creates a powerful feedback loop between my conscious business goals and my intuitive guidance system. A simple question I ask myself: “What part of my work makes me lose track of time?” The answer often points to where my business wants to grow next.
Bringing It All Together
The most beautiful thing about leading a business guided by intuition is the flow it creates. When your business decisions align with your inner knowing, you’re no longer pushing against the current. You’re moving with the natural flow of your unique gifts and purpose.
This doesn’t mean everything becomes effortless. Building a successful business still requires dedication and work. But there’s a profound difference between working hard against resistance and working hard in alignment with your path.
To every yoga teacher reading who feels called to share their gifts more widely: trust that inner voice. Your intuition isn’t separate from your business acumen—it’s an essential part of it. When you honor that wisdom, you create a business that not only succeeds financially but also fulfills your spiritual purpose.
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