When you have a website you probably also have Google Analytics. But have you ever looked at it? If not, you’re not alone. I totally understand when you feel a bit intimidated by it, it DOES looks overwhelming and techy.
But Google Analytics can tell you critical things about your website, like where your traffic comes from, how well certain pages are performing, and the specific actions your visitors take before purchasing your products, signing up for your list, or contacting you. It’s worth it to take a closer look, I promise!
By understanding how users are interacting with your website, you’re able to make smart data-based decisions on what to do next. Maybe this means spending more money on advertising or creating more of the types of content that your audience responds to.
You’ll be able to tailor your website experience to meet the needs of your visitors, so they get the information they’re looking for and you’re able to get more of your products and services in front of potential buyers.
So, what should you track? Google Analytics can provide a ton of information about your website performance. The metrics you need to pay attention to will depend on your specific goals. But the following are a good start for mostly everyone to look at.
#1 Acquisition
This is how users are finding your site. Perhaps they followed a link to your site from another site, they discovered you on social media, or they found you in a Google search. When you know this, you can focus your efforts on what brings you the most results.
#2 Referrals
This Google Analytics stat tells you what sites send traffic to your website. It’s important to know who refers quality traffic to your website, because you could nurture these relationships and encourage even more traffic growth.
#3 Site Behavior
This is what your users do when they get to your site. Did they just come to your homepage and go away? Or do they continue to explore your site, viewing multiple pages? What is your most popular content? Are your visitors viewing the pages you want them to see?
#4 Geographic Location
Are your website visitors from the same geographic region or are they from all over the world? If you’re a locally based business, are you getting traffic from your area?
#5 Audience Type
Are your website visitors all first-time visitors, or do you have people coming back to your site on a regular basis? This can tell you if you’re successfully engaging with your audience.
Now that you know what stats you should track in Analytics works, it’s time to dive on in. Google Analytics really is your best friend for tracking data so you can learn what works and what doesn’t.
Getting to know it takes some time, but it’s worth it. Now go collect some data and get to work.