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The Most Common Mistakes Yoga Teachers and Coaches Make On Their Websites

I'm Susanne!

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Maybe you’re wondering sometimes – could your website perform better? For example, why are so few people signing up for your workshops or retreats through the site?

I’ve done a ton of website reviews over the last years and there are a few things that popped up over and over again, people are making a lot of the same mistakes.

So, today, I want you to start learning from the mistakes of others and make sure you don’t duplicate these very common blunders on your yoga website.

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Mistake 1: Not telling your visitors what you do

On your website you should tell your visitor right away what you do and why they should work with you. Once your page loads, your users will form an opinion in one second and decide if they want to read on or hit the back button. You can get everything else right, but if a user can’t make a justified decision on your website, they’re going to leave.

I actually made this mistake on my website, too. In my header, I used the tagline “Growing your business should feel awesome, not overwhelming”. Well, this didn’t really say what I do, right?

I just changed it a few weeks ago to “Hey there, I’m Susanne. I help yoga teachers create high-converting websites and build online businesses.”

It’s much better to be clear instead of being too creative. I mean you can be both, but it needs to be super clear what you do.

Mistake 2: Too much clutter

Less is more with your website. When you give people too many options, they’ll feel overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.

A good website should make the experience for your visitors effortless. To do this, you want only the most important information to be presented on your pages.

Your job is to determine what’s the best need to know information that will convince your audience to stick around for more, so they can take the next step that you want them to take.

The goal is it make it easy for your visitors to grab what you do and how you can help them, without overwhelming them with too much information and unnecessary options where they should click on.

Mistake 3: Your website has font sizes that are too small and not reader-friendly

Have you ever found yourself squinting to read the text on a website? Maybe not when you’re very young, but when I show something I design to my mum and it’s the first feedback I get.

Body text should be at least 14px, I use 16px on my website. I also recommend that all body copy should be in a Sans Serif font so it’s more compatible and reader-friendly across device types and at small sizes. Sans Serif fonts are for example Arial, Helvetica or Open Sans, and they are normally easier to read on computer than serif fonts like times new roman.

Another common mistake is not enough contrast between your text color and your background.

For example, a font in a light grey on a white background can look great from a design perspective, but is it still easy to read? If you’re unsure, you can’t go wrong with using black text on a white background.

Try to look at your website like a visitor who sees it for the first time. If you have to squint to read your website’s text, it’s time to have a discussion with your web designer.

Mistake 4: Your website is too impersonal

Maybe you are reluctant sharing too much personal information online – I get it, I really do.

I actually made this mistake myself. On my first website I had some beautiful stock images and nothing personal. I cringe when I think about it. It was looking pretty, very professional, but it didn’t bring me any business. Why? Because I didn’t give people a reason to connect with me.

Having a great design alone isn’t enough. People are craving connection, authenticity, they want to get to know the real you. Otherwise, why should they trust you and buy something from you?

You ARE your brand. And that’s why you need to put yourself out there!

Use up-to-date images on your homepage – invest in a photo shoot if you have to. Welcome people to your page and introduce yourself. Extra points if you add a video so people can get to know you even better.

Mistake 5: Your website is too complicated

You have to keep it simple. If your website has way too much going on, it will distract your viewers from your content and services.

You can be creative, but there’s a fine balance between being whimsical and simply being confusing. Getting too complicated can be a big turn off for your visitors.

For example, in your navigation menu you don’t want people to have to guess what you mean – instead use names for your pages that are common and known, such as about and contact.

Mistake 6: Your website isn’t mobile-friendly

Not having a mobile-friendly website is one of the most common website mistakes and is one problem you need to solve ASAP if your website still isn’t.

What you want to have is a website that’s responsive. Responsive means that the content on the screen automatically rearranges according to the screen size. So, on an iPhone pictures might be above the text instead of next to it, the menu looks different and other things.

In most cases you can easily check this when you simply change the size of your browser window on your computer. When you make the window smaller and the content rearranges, your website is responsive.

But even if everything rearranges and looks good on first sight, you need to check your website on your phone, and you might have to optimize a few things.

For example, if you use background images, make sure that text on top is readable on your phone and that the image isn’t cut of weirdly.

Mistake 7: Your website isn’t secure

Not having a secure website is like waving a red flag for both search engines and cautious website visitors.

Secure means that you have an SSL certificate and your URL starts with https instead of http and shows a little lock in the bar with your domain name in your browser window.

When you don’t have that yet on your website, get in touch with your hosting company and tell them you want an SSL certificate. Their support should be able to help you set it up.

That’s it! These are the top mistakes that I see yoga teachers making with their websites. With a few easy tweaks, you can easily avoid these mistakes, so you can be sure your website is working FOR you!

A lot of time we put our websites live and then forget about them, but if you invest just a few hours and implement those changes, I promise it can totally impact your bottom line and your business in a big way.

So don’t forget your website at the bottom of your to-do list, move it up and get going so that it is something that is helping you generate profit in your business and is actually helping you serve your audience.

Let me design your Showit website for you! Only a few spots open.

This is for coaches and service providers eager to boost their online presence! Let’s create a stunning & high-converting website, solidify your expert status, and attract those dream clients who are just waiting to connect with you.

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Hi, I'm Susanne.

I’m here to help yoga teachers and health & wellness coaches package their brilliance into digital offers and build a successful online business.

I went from working in digital advertising to become a yoga teacher, move to Bali and build my online business that allows me to work from anywhere in the world. Now, my mission is to help you do the same. I want to empower you to build a purposeful, profitable online business and create your unique legacy.

I’m also obsessed with my little terrier Luna, love traveling in my campervan, and am happiest when I can wear yoga pants all day long. 

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