Business Strategies

How To Create A Powerful Sales Page For Your Product

a woman working on her bed on her blog post
I'm Susanne!

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a thriving online business. This is where I share fresh off the press digital marketing tips and tricks, mini trainings and more.

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You’ve finally done it and created a video course, or a meditation guide, or a nutrition plan and now you want to sell your amazing product that’s going to help so many people on your website.

I’m sooo proud of you!

Now let’s give your product the presentation it deserves!

(If you don’t have a product to sell yet, read on anyway and maybe the sales page will actually get you inspired to start working on it!)

In this post, I’m going to be showing you how to create a sales page for your product.

Let’s get crackin’.

What every powerful sales page needs

#1 A header with the product name and a sub-headline

On your header, you should include a headline with your product name and a sub-headline which gives a deeper look at what they can expect from the course. A sub-headline is especially important if your product name is not really descriptive of what the product actually entails.

Here’s an example of the header on my yoga website template sales page:

Homepage title section

#2 A Video

Adding a video where you introduce your product yourself by speaking into the camera is super helpful to build trust. Trust me, I know it can be overwhelming and scary to film yourself. It’s something I always plan to do and then I don’t get around to it… Do better than me and add a video!

#3 Your Promise

What are you specifically going to help your clients be / do / or have as a result of working with you? What is the specific, tangible desire that your offer will help them achieve?

You want to paint a picture of what’s truly possible. This is your chance to relate to your audience by letting them know how the information in your product will help them in some way. Bottom line: aim to convey the value of your product.

#4 Their Problems

What does your target client’s situation look like right now? What are they struggling with? What is the result that they’re currently getting that they don’t want? Show them that you understand.

#5 Your Offer

What is your offer? What is included from start to finish? What are all of the features + benefits? How is it organized?

This is where you show people what you’ve created. People are much more likely to purchase your product if you tell them exactly what they can expect to learn. If you’re creating an eBook, share the table of content. If it’s a course, let them know which modules they’ll be getting.

#6 The Price + Enroll Now Button

Show your price and payment options and add your first enroll button. If you are going live with your sales page before your cart is open, you can also offer a waitlist that people can sign up to.

#7 Testimonials

Testimonials, or social proof, are super important. Before someone feels comfortable buying your product, they need to see that others have enjoyed your product already.

Show 2 to 3 success stories or testimonials. If possible add photos of the testimonial giver because it’s easier for visitors to relate to their success when they can actually see what they look like, rather than simply reading a block of text. It feels more personal and relatable. You can also add screenshots from Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. If your customers are talking positively about your product, then you want to add that comment to your sales page.

If you don’t have testimonials yet because you haven’t sold your product yet, you can use feedback about your other services instead.

You can also do a beta test of your product before your launch. You give your product to friends or good clients for free and they then test it out and give you feedback that you can use as testimonials.

On the yoga website template sales page I use this set-up for the testimonials (because it’s just an example I don’t have ‘real’ copy, I use Lorem Ipsum instead):

#8 About You

Selling an online product is all about selling YOUR expertise. In order for your students to truly believe that your product works, they need to hear more about who you are and why you’re fit to actually be teaching this.

What kind of results has this product produced in your own life? How did you get there? What benefits are you reaping now? What experience do you have overall?

#9 Overcome Reshelving Syndrome

Here you want to address your potential buyer’s biggest hesitations to saying “yes”. What’s going on in their mind when they talk themselves out of buying your offer even though they totally want it? How are you going to response?

#10 More Testimonials

Add some more testimonials if you have them.

#11 Guarantee

Offering a guarantee is a great way to remove potential buyers’ hesitations, especially if you’re new to business. It might sound a little nerve-wracking, especially for digital products where someone could easily buy it, use it, and then “return”. Luckily, if you create a good product and offer real value, then refunds will be extremely rare. Don’t worry, my friend!

#12 FAQs

Here you answer any questions potential clients might have about the product.

A few examples to get you started:

How long will I have access?

Who is this product for?

What if I don’t like it?

#13 Final Enroll Button

Add your final enroll button together with your price, what’s included and any other payment information you deem necessary.

Now what happens when someone clicks on your enroll button? You can link to a form on your website where your client fills in his or her address details and then comes to a PayPal payment page (if you have a WordPress website: I use the plugins ‘Contact Form 7’ and ‘Contact Form 7 – PayPal & Stripe Add-on’ for this). You could also simply add a PayPal payment button instead or use a tool like ‘SendOwl’ that helps you sell your products online.




Hi, I'm Susanne.

I’m here to help yoga teachers and health & wellness coaches package their brilliance into digital offers and build a successful online business.

I went from working in digital advertising to become a yoga teacher, move to Bali and build my online business that allows me to work from anywhere in the world. Now, my mission is to help you do the same. I want to empower you to build a purposeful, profitable online business and create your unique legacy.

I’m also obsessed with my little terrier Luna, love traveling in my campervan, and am happiest when I can wear yoga pants all day long. 

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