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What You Should Be Doing to Grow Your Business in 2023

Susanne Rieker planning how to grow her business in 2023
I'm Susanne!

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a thriving online business. This is where I share fresh off the press digital marketing tips and tricks, mini trainings and more.

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Is anyone else super excited about setting their goals for 2023? 🤩

If you’re feeling a little freaked out and overwhelmed at the same time, that’s totally normal – you’re not alone! It’s why I’ve made this episode/post, and why I’ve dug deep into my numbers, talked to friends in my mastermind, and researched what super successful businesses are doing! 

I’m going to give you a clear roadmap of what I think we all should be doing in 2023 to grow our businesses. 💪🏼

1. Clear Up Your Energy and Show Up Like You Mean It

You’re going to be doing big things in this world and 2023 is your year – declare it. Say it and believe it.

Don’t shy away from saying that you want to earn more money, from saying that you want to make a bigger impact, and be successful.

If you don’t feel that, if you secretly believe that what you’re offering isn’t really worth that much, you don’t know enough yet, and you aren’t good enough, then why should anyone else believe in you and buy your services?

You can have any kind of business you want, but you need to believe in yourself and your offerings.

The energy exchange with your audience, it’s real. When you show up with a clear and positive energy in a way that’s consistent, and reliable, it creates trust.

When you’re really excited about your offers and believe that it’s the best thing you’ve ever created, your potential customers are going to be excited as well.

And when you believe in your prices, and declare them with confidence, it will give your people the confidence to invest in you.

It’s an energy exchange and without this kind of energy, you can have all the systems and processes and offers in place, but you’re not going to see the results, the growth that you know deep inside is really possible for you.

Take a moment and reflect on how you’re going to show up next year.

What kind of person would you be if you already had the wildly successful business and the big audience that you want to have?

How would she or he show up?

2. Stop Focusing on Low-Priced Offers and Create a Premium Program Instead

In the past, I had low-priced online courses, a low-ticket membership, I designed websites for $1000 or $2000 and I didn’t get anywhere. I was earning money, but never enough to really invest in my business, hire support, invest in coaching, and make a good living.

Can you relate?

It was only when I created my first premium course that I sold for around $1,000 that things changed and I’ve been steadily increasing my prices since then and am ready to elevate and go all in with my premium high ticket mastermind program, the Blissful Biz Incubator.

When you’re creating low-ticket offers all the time, like workshops or launching low-priced online courses all the time, it’s exhausting, you’re going to tire out of launching all the time, and you’re not going to earn the revenue that you need if you want to grow.

Something to also pay attention to here is the conversion rates – they aren’t automatically higher because your product is cheaper. You would think that more people would buy a $100 product than a $1000 product, but that’s not really the case.

And when you do the math, to earn $10000, you have to sell the $100 product 100 times, and the $1000 product 10 times, which unless you have a huge audience, is actually much easier.

It’s a fact – unless you have a huge audience (which let’s face it most of us don’t) you’ll do better revenue-wise with a higher-priced offer.

Charging more will also help your students get better results. Which is what we want, right? You are in the business of helping people and want to see them get results.

Need one more reason why you should create a premium offer? A higher-priced offer will actually help you stand out from all the other people who are offering similar services.

You don’t compete with all the free videos on youtube, and you don’t compete with the $100 yoga for beginners course someone else is offering. A premium offer will differentiate you and show that you’re not afraid to make your own path.

3. Show Up On Video Consistently

There’s really no way around this if you want to be successful and grow your business as a personal brand.

Not only are most social media platforms pushing video content to non-followers, but your existing audience will also love it. It allows them to connect with you on a much more personal level and get to know you even faster.

I struggled to show up on video in the past but I can tell you from my own experience, it really does get easier the more often you do it. As a matter of fact, moving forward, it’s going to be on my list of non-negotiables. It’s just going to happen – no excuses.

Nothing builds trust like video. No matter where you are in your business, if you want to grow, I strongly, strongly recommend that you show up live, consistently. Share your message, share your light, share your energy, and give people the chance to get to know you and trust you.












Hi, I'm Susanne.

I’m here to help yoga teachers and health & wellness coaches package their brilliance into digital offers and build a successful online business.

I went from working in digital advertising to become a yoga teacher, move to Bali and build my online business that allows me to work from anywhere in the world. Now, my mission is to help you do the same. I want to empower you to build a purposeful, profitable online business and create your unique legacy.

I’m also obsessed with my little terrier Luna, love traveling in my campervan, and am happiest when I can wear yoga pants all day long. 

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