Blissful Biz Podcast

5 Soul-Stirring Questions to Transform Your Business Vision

I'm Susanne!

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a thriving online business. This is where I share fresh off the press digital marketing tips and tricks, mini trainings and more.

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As I sit here in my quiet home office, preparing for our annual “Plan Your Year” workshop in the Blissful Biz Academy, I’m filled with gratitude and excitement to share these transformative questions with you. I’ve learned that clarity is power, and overwhelm is optional. These five questions completely changed how I approach my business, and I know they’ll do the same for you.

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Question #1: What Made Your Heart Sing This Last Year?

Take a deep breath and settle in. Before we map out strategies for next year, let’s spend time in gratitude. This practice transforms how we plan – it shifts us from striving to flowing, from pushing to allowing.

Find a comfortable seat. If you’re able, close your eyes. Breathe deeply into your belly.

Think back through this year’s journey. Remember the moments of pure alignment: the student who cried after savasana, finally releasing months of stress; your first sold-out workshop; that heartfelt message from a client; the perfect class where every transition flowed effortlessly.

Write these moments in your journal. Notice how your body feels as you recall them. These sensations are your inner compass – they reveal when you’re most aligned with your purpose, when your work becomes your practice.

Question #2: What’s Your Vision for 2025?

This deep gratitude opens our hearts to what’s possible. Close your eyes and imagine it’s December 2025. You’re sitting in your favorite reflection spot, looking back on an incredible year of growth and impact. Your business feels energizing and sustainable.

Consider your daily rhythm: When do you start teaching? Where are you working from? Who are your ideal students?

Envision your offerings: Which programs bring you the most joy? How are you sharing your teachings? What price points feel aligned with your value?

Think about your growth and support: What new skills have you developed? Who’s on your team? What boundaries protect your energy?

Be specific with your numbers: Instead of “I want to grow my audience,” write “I’m connecting with 100 engaged students in my membership.” Rather than “I want to make more money,” write “I’m earning $8,000 monthly through aligned offerings.”

Question #3: What’s Your 3-Month Milestone?

Let’s bring our focus to the next three months. Think of these as your first stepping stones across the river. What three key projects will create the strongest foundation for your vision?

Remember – success comes from focus. As a solo entrepreneur, choose just three priorities. When you’re just getting started, it could be: nail your niche, build your website, create and launch a low-ticket offer.

For each priority, define clear outcomes, key milestones, required support, potential obstacles, and success metrics. Each step should feel both exciting and achievable.

Question #4: What Needs to Go?

Something usually needs to leave before something new can enter. Growth isn’t just about adding – it’s about conscious editing.

Consider releasing:

Your Time Drains: The 6 AM private sessions that leave you depleted, the extra admin work you could automate, the meetings that could be emails.

Your Energy Leaks: The social platform that feels like pushing boulders uphill, clients who consistently drain your energy, programs you’ve outgrown.

Your Mental Clutter: Old teaching materials, digital files that need organizing, unused subscriptions and tools.

Remember this truth: Every “no” creates space for a bigger “yes.”

Question #5: What’s Your Next Right Step?

After all this visioning and planning, let’s ground our intentions into action. Choose one clear, aligned step you can take this week. Make it small enough to complete in a few hours, connected to your three-month priorities, and completely within your control.

Here’s a powerful truth to keep visible: “I don’t do overwhelm.” This isn’t a cute mantra – it’s a business decision. Overwhelm is often a sign that we’re trying to do too much at once or we’ve lost sight of our priorities.

When you feel that familiar sensation of overwhelm creeping in:

  1. Return to your vision
  2. Review your three priorities
  3. Identify your next right step
  4. Take action from that centered place

Building a heart-led business isn’t about doing everything – it’s about doing the right things with intention and love. Trust that small, aligned actions, taken consistently, create powerful transformation.

If you want to continue this work together, join us inside the Blissful Biz Academy where we dive deeper into all of these practices and steps. Share your next right step with me inside the Blissful Biz Hive, our free community – I’d love to celebrate your aligned action with you.

Until next time, keep shining your light.

Keep Listening


Hi, I'm Susanne.

I’m here to help yoga teachers and health & wellness coaches package their brilliance into digital offers and build a successful online business.

I went from working in digital advertising to become a yoga teacher, move to Bali and build my online business that allows me to work from anywhere in the world. Now, my mission is to help you do the same. I want to empower you to build a purposeful, profitable online business and create your unique legacy.

I’m also obsessed with my little terrier Luna, love traveling in my campervan, and am happiest when I can wear yoga pants all day long. 

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