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Everything you need to know about my new program EMERGE

I'm Susanne!

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a thriving online business. This is where I share fresh off the press digital marketing tips and tricks, mini trainings and more.

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I’ve got some thrilling news to share with you today – something I’ve been eagerly waiting to reveal. Drumroll, please! I’m launching a groundbreaking program this May, and I couldn’t be more excited about it!

In this post, I’m going to spill all the beans – everything you need to know about this upcoming program, from its inception to what it entails, and how you can get on board before the doors officially swing open in May.

But first things first, let me emphasize the importance of getting your name on the waitlist pronto! Why? Well, because those savvy individuals on the waitlist will snag an exclusive super early bird discount, saving a cool $500 or more. Plus, there’s an irresistible bonus package up for grabs, available only to a limited number of folks – and guess who gets first dibs? Yep, you got it – the waitlist crew!

Head over to susannerieker.com/emerge and secure your spot on the waitlist right away.

Listen to this episode:

Remember when I talked about streamlining my business and focusing on my signature offer, the Mentorship? Well, a little while back, I had an epiphany – that approach just didn’t sit right with me.

And you know what I always say – trust your gut when something doesn’t feel aligned in your business.

So, here’s the scoop: I poured my heart and soul into crafting brand-new training modules for the Mentorship, specifically centered around creating and selling high-ticket programs. It’s a culmination of everything I’ve learned over the past 2.5 years – my unique approach to crafting, selling, and launching high-ticket programs.

Currently, I’m working with an incredible group of women within the Mentorship, witnessing firsthand the magic unfold as they refine their branding, messaging, offers, and more. But here’s the thing – the Mentorship is now tailored even more for seasoned online coaches or entrepreneurs ready to dive headfirst into premium branding and offerings.

So, what about those who are just starting out? Those who haven’t quite nailed down their niche or mastered the art of growing an email list? That’s where EMERGE comes in.

EMERGE is not just another boring online course – it’s a comprehensive package bundling all my courses and trainings into one transformative program. Designed for aspiring midlife coaches, EMERGE provides a step-by-step blueprint to launch your online empire and add at least $5k to your revenue within six months.

If you’ve been yearning to kickstart your online business but feel lost in the maze of technology and marketing, this program is your guiding light.

This program is tailor-made for beginners and aspiring online coaches who:

  • Want to transition their expertise online but feel overwhelmed by the tech and marketing landscape.
  • Dream of launching an online course but find themselves hesitating, fearful of both success and failure.
  • Are eager to grow their business, income, and impact but lack clarity on where to begin.
  • Worry that the online coaching space is oversaturated and struggle to stand out from the crowd.

Trust me, I’ve been in your shoes. I vividly recall sitting in my humble Bali abode, recording the first modules of my online course, unsure of what I didn’t know. And like many of you, I hesitated to invest in myself and my business. But over time, with the guidance of mentors and countless hours of learning, I’ve built a thriving online business from the ground up.

Now, it’s your turn.

EMERGE bridges the gap between solitary online courses and premium coaching programs, offering you the perfect blend of self-paced learning and high-touch support. With access to a treasure trove of resources, personalized coaching, and a vibrant community, you’ll have everything you need to turn your dreams into reality.

And here’s the best part – the investment for EMERGE will be an absolute no-brainer, considering the unparalleled value and support you’ll receive. Super early bird pricing will start at just $1997 or 12 easy payments of $197, exclusively for those on the waitlist.

Doors open in May! Join the waitlist now and be the first to embark on this exhilarating journey.

Your dream business awaits – it’s time to emerge!

Keep Listening



Hi, I'm Susanne.

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a successful online business.

I went from working in digital advertising to become a yoga teacher, move to Bali and build my online business that allows me to work from anywhere in the world. Now, my mission is to help you do the same. I want to empower you to embrace the transformative potential of midlife and menopause, build a purposeful online business and create your unique legacy.

I’m also obsessed with my little terrier Luna, love traveling in my campervan, and am happiest when I can wear yoga pants all day long. 

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If you’re a daring + driven  entrepreneur, check out my online programs and get your learnin’ on!

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