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How to Grow Your Business When You Only Have Little Time

I'm Susanne!

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a thriving online business. This is where I share fresh off the press digital marketing tips and tricks, mini trainings and more.

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As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves juggling multiple roles, making it feel overwhelming to grow our businesses. But I’m here to tell you that it’s absolutely possible to scale your business, even with limited hours in your day.

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While I don’t have children myself, many of my students do, and I’ve seen firsthand how they struggle to find time to work on their businesses. This challenge isn’t unique to parents, though. In the early years of my business, I was in a similar boat. I was still freelancing in advertising while building my business on the side.

I’d wake up early, squeeze in some work on my business before heading to my freelance job, then come home and work late into the night. Weekends? Those were for my business too. It was exhausting, and often, I felt like I was making little progress despite all my efforts.

When time is limited, you need to be incredibly strategic about how you use it. You can’t afford to waste a single minute on tasks that don’t directly contribute to your growth or move the needle in your business.

A common pitfall when we’re just getting started is spending too much time on tasks that don’t move the needle. Maybe you’re tweaking your website for the hundredth time, searching for photos in Canva, or watching free webinar after free webinar without taking action.

Sound familiar?

I’ve been there, and I know how frustrating it can be. But today, I’m sharing some strategies that have truly transformed my business, and I hope they’ll do the same for you.

Strategy 1: Create a Signature Offer Priced for Profits

Creating a signature offer that’s priced for profits is game-changing. By focusing on one core offer, you streamline your marketing efforts and become known for something specific. It’s about quality over quantity.

When I started my business, I thought I needed to offer a wide range of services to appeal to more people. But here’s what I discovered: having one signature offer actually made it easier for clients to say yes, and a whole lot easier for me.

The Benefits of a Signature Offer

When you have a signature offer, you can really hone in on the transformation you provide. You become the go-to expert for that specific solution. This not only makes your marketing more effective, but it also allows you to charge premium prices. And when you price for profits, you can work less while earning more. It’s a win-win.

For example, let’s say you’re a health coach. Instead of offering general health coaching, your signature offer could be a 12-week program to help busy professionals boost their energy and productivity through nutrition and lifestyle changes. You can charge a premium for this because it’s a specific, high-value transformation.

Pricing Your Signature Offer

When your signature offer is a low-ticket item, like a $50 per month membership, you need a large volume of clients to make it worth your time. This can be exhausting and counterproductive when you’re already juggling other responsibilities.

Instead, consider pricing your signature offer at a premium. For our “Energy Boost for Busy Professionals” program, you might price it at $2,000 for the 12-week program. This might seem high at first, but remember, you’re offering a transformative experience that could significantly impact your clients’ careers and quality of life.

Structuring Your Offer for Time Efficiency

There are several ways to structure your offer to provide high value while respecting your time limitations:

  1. VIP Days: Offer intensive VIP days instead of spreading out calls over weeks.
  2. Self-Study Online Courses: Create a comprehensive self-study course that delivers your expertise through pre-recorded video lessons and workbooks.
  3. Asynchronous Support: Offer support through platforms like Voxer or a private messaging system.
  4. Hybrid Model: Combine a self-study course with limited group coaching calls and asynchronous support.

The key is to structure your offer in a way that provides immense value to your clients while also respecting your time constraints.

Strategy 2: Set Up an Evergreen Funnel

An evergreen funnel works 24/7, bringing in leads and sales while you sleep. It takes some initial setup, but once it’s running, it’s like having a tireless salesperson working around the clock. Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Create a valuable free resource, like a mini-course or an ebook.
  2. Set up a landing page where people can sign up to receive this free resource.
  3. Take subscribers through a series of automated emails that provide value and eventually offer your signature program.

The beauty of this system is that it runs automatically. You can be playing with your kids, working your day job, or enjoying a much-needed vacation, and your funnel is still working for you.

Strategy 3: Implement a Simple Marketing Strategy

When you’re short on time, simplicity is key in your marketing strategy. Choose one platform where your ideal clients hang out and focus your efforts there. Consistency is far more important than quantity or complexity.

Social Media Approach

If your target audience is on Instagram, for example, you could commit to posting one valuable piece of content each day and engaging with your followers for 10-15 minutes. This might look like:

  1. Spending 5-10 minutes creating and posting a Reel.
  2. Taking 5 minutes to respond to comments on your posts.
  3. Using the remaining time to engage with potential clients by commenting on their posts or responding to their stories.

Long-Form Content Approach

If social media isn’t your preferred method, consider creating long-form content like blog posts or podcast episodes. This content has longevity and can continue to generate leads for years to come – and it’s what I teach inside my online course FLOW. Click here to check it out.

Here’s how you can make this work with limited time:

  1. Choose a consistent schedule: Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
  2. Develop a streamlined content creation process.
  3. Repurpose your content for social media.

Remember to include clear calls-to-action in your content, guiding your audience on how to take the next step with you.

The Importance of Support

As business owners, we often try to do everything ourselves. But delegation is a superpower. Whether it’s hiring a virtual assistant, collaborating with other entrepreneurs, or joining a mastermind group, having support can accelerate your growth exponentially.

If hiring help isn’t in your budget right now, consider joining a mastermind group or finding an accountability partner.

Additional Tips for Time Management

  1. Use time-blocking: Schedule specific times for different tasks and stick to them.
  2. Eliminate distractions: Turn off notifications when you’re working on your business.
  3. Prioritize self-care: Taking care of yourself will make you more productive in the long run.
  4. Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small it might seem.

Remember, growing a business with limited time isn’t about working harder – it’s about working smarter. Your dreams are valid and achievable, even if you only have a few hours a week to work on them right now. Don’t let limited time hold you back. Instead, use it as motivation to be more focused and strategic.

Start by creating your signature offer. Set up that evergreen funnel. Commit to a simple, consistent marketing strategy. And don’t be afraid to ask for support. Take it one step at a time, and before you know it, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come.

I hope these tips inspire you to take action in your business. Remember, every successful entrepreneur started somewhere, often with just as little time as you have now. You’ve got this!


PS – Doors to the Blissful Biz Academy are open! 🎉

The Blissful Biz Academy is a 6-month, high-touch group coaching experience designed to help you create your six-figure offer and turn your passion into a thriving online business – without getting caught up in the hustle.

If you know deep down that you’re meant for more – more income, more impact, more momentum – consider this your personal invite to join us.

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Hi, I'm Susanne.

I’m here to help you turn your passion into profits and build a successful online business.

I went from working in digital advertising to become a yoga teacher, move to Bali and build my online business that allows me to work from anywhere in the world. Now, my mission is to help you do the same. I want to empower you to embrace the transformative potential of midlife and menopause, build a purposeful online business and create your unique legacy.

I’m also obsessed with my little terrier Luna, love traveling in my campervan, and am happiest when I can wear yoga pants all day long. 

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